
Have you already tried TABS 2? Compared to the original version, the game has become even more spectacular, feature-packed and user-friendly. It’s time to check out what kind of new amazing options are waiting for you here playing it online either alone or with your friends!
Choose your fraction and pick an optimal tactic for each lineup!
The main fractions are tired to mythology and various historical periods of human history. Most of them have seven unique units – each of them will cost you a certain amount of money. Naturally, the cooler the unit the ore expensive it is. Since your resources aren’t infinite (at least, in most of the TABS modes) and the difficulty will grow from level to level, you’ll have to think carefully, learn the peculiarities of your warriors and experiment with their lineup.
It’s the miraculous mechanics of these units the entire strategic aspect of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is built on. For each of them, the developers have come up with a separate AI model. Some rush into the very epicenter of the fight, others stick to the defense. There are those that keep their distance and those who defend the others. But most of them are very clumsy and can easily fall into the abyss or poke a spear into their own comrade.
All kinds of units to set up an epic battle!
Each of the units also has its own peculiar set of abilities, qualities and characteristics. For instance, the Knight from the Medieval fraction uses his shield to cover himself from long-range attacks. The Minotaur from Ancient cleaves into the crowd at full speed and scatters the enemies. The Archer from Renaissance has special arrows with balloons that lift the opponent into the sky. And the Samurai from Dynasty can fend off any arrows, cannons or other things flying at him with his katana.
There are totally insane characters like a prawn thrower, fire-breathing festival dragon (like those you can see on Chinese holidays), Viking ship that moves by land, raptor rider or sword enchanter. And surely don’t forget about particularly powerful fraction units such as Monkey King, Pirate Queen or Zeus. Combining those units in various ways will help you achieve the most unimaginable and unexpected effects. Plunge into the amazing world of TABS right now and see what’s new in the second version that is already available online!